Last Updated: Friday, 01-Sep-2023 17:45:15 EDT

This page lists some of the unexpected problems we ran into, feel free to contribute your own surprises!

What is confusing people

A lot of time gets wasted because of misunderstandings. Many people just don't get that the process of enrollment has changed, or what is required to complete enrollment. It helps to clarify the terminology and just what needs to be done in order to enroll and attend.

Registration with SOO: Happens once
Registration with the Portal: Generally happens once
Enrollment in a club: required every season; note that there are still places in SOO's documentation where this is referred to as registration (go figure).
Requirements to Participate
Enrollment: includes waivers if done through the portal in which case the date will be available in Membershipe Report 13

Problems submitting an Enrollment

Unable to submit because of missing information
In the Participant and Volunteer Profile section there are multiple tabs.
There are fields under the tabs in Red that are required, marked with a very small red star
Address Tab requires one complete address, including Postal Code
Medical Information Tab requires that the Medications field not be empty. This field must be kept up to date if it is filled in. I recommend that the contents start with the date the field was updated, and who by. There has been a request in for a timestamp added for a year but I am not holding my breath. If a volunteer does take medications but do not want to put them here say "Not Provided", as "none" is incorrect. Medication information for athletes is required by a club, either here or on paper.
If a required field is not filled in the enrollment will be under "In Progress Enrollments". Club manager is able to accept that enrollment; but an attempt should be made to fill the required fields.
If a parent goes through the enrollment process, pretending to be their athlete but using their own email a new registration is created and the enrollment, if submitted, will appear as an enrollment requiring Chapter approval. They will have to be merged with their existing record by Farkhanda, It does not result in a submitted enrollment.
Solution is for the parent to become a Family Admin. This allows them to submit enrollments for their athlete, signing off on the waivers at the same time. They can also manage profile information, in particular medical and emergency contact information.
In Progress Enrollments
Sometimes an enrollment ends up as 'In progress', see menu for Head Coach or Manager.
When a person goes through the self enrollment process there are several fields that SOO will require be filled before an enrollment will submit. No useful message is created. For every case I have looked at the medications field was not filled out. As the waivers are now signed off I go ahead and accept the enrollment.

Family Admin

Confusion about the role
Filling out and submitting the form will give you the role in the province, not the club
Interestingly some people proceed to submit an enrollment for themselves in the role of Family Admin in the club. If not registered with SOO as an volunteer this submitted enrollment sits waiting for chapter approval. Not really a problem, but may be a surprise.
However if the person who submits such an enrollment request is already registered as a volunteer, and has been enrolled in your club their enrollment will wait for approval at the club level. If approved it will appear as a role at the club level but may not function as expected.