Last Updated: Saturday, 02-Nov-2024 16:19:49 EDT

Be aware that are ongoing changes to the Portal starting the week of September 2, 2024.

Welcome to Coach's Corner

This is the "Coach's Corner" page for our website. This part of the website is intended for the use of SOO Oakville coaches and other volunteers. Here you will find downloadable forms and some useful links. As well we try to keep track of resources that may be shared, such as the Community Banner. Not a very exciting page, but hopefully it will be useful.

The Community Operating Guidelines for SOO Oakville came into effect in October 2015 and are available to be viewed as as a PDF or as a web page. This document is currently being updated to reflect changes in terminology due to introduction of the portal.

SOC Portal

In 2018 Special Olympics Canada (SOC) made major changes to the database used to manage members', and clubs' information. Along with this change an interactive portal for interacting with the database was also introduced. Unfortunately these changes were brought in with minimal documentation; Special Olympics Ontario (SOO) has been working to create and update information ever since. The SOC Portal section of this website is an attempt to help our hardworking volunteers to navigate it.


The Training page summarizes training opportunities and resources. It includes external links for Special Olympic and Coach Training.


The Planning Calendar for Oakville contains all of the information in the full calendar available from the top navigation bar. In addition it contains any TENTATIVE dates received. Such dates will be transferred to a club's calendar if confirmed. Be patient, it can take a while to load.


The Accounting page contains information and downloadable forms from our Treasurer. Included are the budget templates and the cheque request forms which we use in this community.


The Fundraising page contains information about fundraising in our community. There is also information about accessing funds in our trust accounts.

The SOO Oakville eBingo Volunteer login is also located on this page.

Resources Available

Resources owned by or available to the Oakville Special Olympic Community.

Facility Rentals
Our clubs use space in Schools, Arenas, Pools, Sports Fields, and Sport Fields in Oakville. These are all done through our Facilities Coordinator. Please see our Facilities page for more information about renting facilities and about insurance
These resources are held by the Oakville council, or by individual clubs but are available to be shared. They include such things as Banners, Publicity materials, and a loudspeaker. It is important that we keep this information up to date so please let your webmaster know when an item in this page changes hands.
The Special Olympic Logo
In September 2012 Special Olympics International changed their Logo and issued new logos for communities. On this page you will find links to more information about the new logo, and to download standard sport logos.
This is a collection of external links to Special Olympics pages and sport governing bodies.