Last Updated: Friday, 21-Mar-2025 12:14:05 EDT
Be aware that are ongoing changes to the Portal starting the week of September 2, 2024.
Text which has been identified as out of date after recent changes will be indicated in this manner.
As SOO management of their sessions keeps changing you should contact SOO with Session related questions.
The changes are happening without warning and your webmaster is unable to keep up with them. As a result much of this section of Coach's Corner will be removed or simplified. As the SOO website can be a challenge to navigate I will still TRY to provide links. ( March 2025 )
Beginning in the of the Spring of 2018 there have been many changes in the way registration and club management are done.
These pages are not an attempt to replace SOO documentation but to clarify, and as an aid to clubs beginning to navigate the Portal. The last page, 'Changes' gives a bit of a timeline and summary of changes in the last few years.
NOTE that any link which includes this graphic: , goes outside of this website, usually to SOO documentation.
Please note there are a lot of ways you can get confused by this portal, if you are experiencing problems please contact our Community Data Admin: , for assistence.
There are some changes in terminology:
- Registration with Special Olympics
- Initial Registration with Special Olympics Ontario (SOO), which result in a new Contact ID (SOO number) being assigned. This only happens once.
- Registration with the Portal
- A member who is already registered with SOO, but not the portal will need to go through a separate registration. To do this you will enter your First Name, Last Name, date of birth, and email address as it is stored in the database.
- Enrollment
- Enrollment refers to joining a club as an athlete or as a volunteer. Note that all new enrollments are then subject to approval before being finallized.
- Registration with SOO and with the portal are both triggered the when the first enrollment is submitted.
- Participant
- This is what the portal calls an Athlete.
Sessions run from September 1 to August 31 of the following year, regardless of what part of the year their season is run in. For each new season members must enroll in that season's session. At the end of a session all enrollments expire.
For more information please see Sessions.
Media release
Will be reviewed each year