Last Updated: Tuesday, 10-Sep-2024 11:16:12 EDT
Be aware that are ongoing changes to the Portal starting the week of September 2, 2024.
Special Olympics Membership Portal
Registering new members, enrolling members in clubs, and maintaining members information is now done through the
Special Olympics Membership Portal . When you go onto the portal home page there are several options available. If you are not yet familiar with the portal the following information should be useful.
- Registration
- There are two separate meanings for Registration. You must register with the portal in order to use it. You must be registered with Special Olympics Ontario in order to participate or volunteer.
- Registration with Special Olympics Ontario
- You must be registered with Special Olympics Ontario (SOO) to participate or volunteer with any of our programs. Registration with SOO only occurs once.
- If you are registering as a volunteer there are additional requirents in order to complete your registration
- You must provide two personal references
- references must be followed up on and marked completed
- If you are over 18 you must provide a Vulnerable Sector Police check carried out in the area in which you live
- You must complete the online Safe Sport course
- Registration with the Portal
- The first time you go onto the portal you must create a new portal account. This requires that you enter the following information exactly as provided when you registered with SOO ( if already registered with SOO ):
- Your first name
- Your last name
- Your date of birth
- Your email address
- If you change your email address there is a form you can submit to have your
portal email address changed
- Enrollment
- To participate in a program you must submit an enrollment for the current or upcoming club session; and that enrollment must be accepted by that club.
- Note that each season a new enrollment must be Submitted.
Volunteering Role
When you select a club to volunteer with you will get a pop up from which to select the Catagory and Role from drop down lists. Following is a summary of the usual roles. Submitting an enrollment for any of the other role requires discussion with the club.
- Category: Coach
- Head Coach
- Assitant Coach
- Category: Sport
- Team Manager
- Category: Program
- Junior Coaching Volunteer
- Occasional Volunteer
- Program Volunteer
If you do not know what role to select, enter text in 'Notes' field and click on 'Apply', You should of course then contact the club
Who submits an enrollment?
- Self Enrollment
- Any member may submit their own enrollment once they have created a portal account.
- Athlete's Family Member
- A parent or family member of an athlete may become a family admin in order to manage the enrollments and profile for an athlete.
- You become a Family Admin by filling out the
Family Admin Coordinator Form
. Once that form is processed you will receive an email with more information.
- PLEASE NOTE: This only has to be done once, as it is registered with the province, not the club. You do not need to submit an enrollment with the club. The role will show up on the list of roles you are shown when you log into the portal.
- Group Home Administrator
- For an athlete living in a group home it may be possible for a member of the staff to be a Group Home Administrator for that Athlete. This will allow them to manage enrollments and profiles, but not to sign off on waivers.
- To become a Group Home Admin please fill out the
Group Home Registration Form
. Once that form is processed you will receive an email with more information.
Media Release
When you first register with SOO you will be asked for a media release. If you select 'I do not allow' be aware:
- If we take a team picture of our members to put up on the club page, the website, or our community Facebook page you, or your athlete, can not be in the picture.
- The media opt out only covers pictures being taken for use by SOO.
- It does not cover any pictures that members or guests may take at an event. This is not something a club can take responsibility for.
You will be asked to confirm you choice on a yearly basis.
Links to SOO Documentation
- Self Service (Membership) Portal - User Guides
- Volunteer Self-Enrollment and Waivers Update Instructions
If you already have Membership Portal Account as an registered Volunteer
- Athlete Self-Enrollment and Waivers Update Instructions
If you already have Membership Portal Account as an registered Athlete
- Family Admin Role Instructions to update your Athlete Information
- New Group Home Athlete Registration Instructions By Already Registered Group Home Admin