
Last Updated: Thursday, 13-Apr-2023 13:40:08 EDT

Be aware that are ongoing changes to the Portal starting the week of September 2, 2024.

Oakville Strikers / Oakville Sharks
Statement Athletes are encouraged to learn soccer skills with an emphasis on fitness and fun.
Age15 and older
Season May to August
Day and Time Wednesday 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Place Behind Glen Abbey Recreational Center (map)
First practice is May 24, 2023
Fee $25.00 Must be brought to the first practice.

Cheques must be made out to SOO Oakville, with the clubs name added to the memo space.

ContactStrikers Doug Gillespie:
SharksErin Ring:

Athletes and Volunteers new to Special Olympics Ontario (SOO) must first register with SOO. Athletes and Volunteers must be enrolled in the current session of a program in order to participate.

Registration and Enrollment both are done through the Special Olympics Membership Portal

For more information please see Using the Special Olympics Membership Portal

Please make sure you enroll in the correct soccer team!


See also the Combined Calendar.
Pictures from past events