Ten Pin Bowling  
Games Logo Dylan Heather Kim Ron Sofia Todd

Last Updated: Monday, 30-Sep-2024 15:18:01 EDT

Be aware that are ongoing changes to the Portal starting the week of September 2, 2024.

In The Pocket

We are an all-inclusive Special Olympics tenpin bowling program. We welcome any and all bowlers regardless of: experience, age, ethnicity, gender or any other discriminatory practices. We operate on a handicap system that allows each bowler to progress at their own rate. The handicap system ensures bowlers of all skill levels can compete fairly. Our ultimate goal is to develop winning athletes. To accomplish this we focus on having fun and being respectful. Our motto is that if you are having fun you will automatically bowl better. Skill development is stressed weekly during practices and all coaches are at a minimum Canadian Tenpin Federation level 1 certified.

Our club is at capacity, no new members will be enrolled for this season. Please check this page in August regarding enrollment for our 2025-2026 season.

Season September 2024 to April 2025
Day and Time Saturday 10:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

What this means is that warm up is at 10:15 am and first ball is at 10:30 am

Place Classic Bowl, 3055 Dundas Street West, Mississauga Ontario (map)
Head CoachRob McLean 905-466-1629
Fee $15.00 per week

Enrollment not available at this time. Either the program is full or not currently in session.

For more information about the portal please see Using the Special Olympics Membership Portal

See also the Combined Calendar.
Team Pictures 2014, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2005
2007 2007 Regional Tournament at Classic Bowl
2006 Tournament at Classic Bowl
2006 National Games
2005 'Fun Weekend', Wheels Inn Chatham